You can customize your NVR by clicking on the NVR under the Devices page and navigating to the Configure tab.
IP Settings
Here you can change the NVR’s IP address between DHCP and static. We recommend keeping your gear set to DHCP and handling all IP addresses through the router.
Time Settings
In this section you choose the time zone for your NVR. This affects the time as it appears on your channel feeds.
Channel Settings
This page displays all of the NVR’s channels. You can directly edit the channel name here. This changes the camera name that shows on the OSD. It does not change the name of the camera as shown in OvrC’s device list.
Disk Management
This lists details of each hard drive in your NVR. If you have installed a new hard drive, you can format it for use by clicking Format Disk.
NVR Credentials
The passwords for SupportAdmin and SystemConnect are found here. You cannot change these usernames or passwords. Icons are available to copy the username and password to your clipboard.
Enable Recording
This toggle turns recording off or on.
Overwrite Hard Drive
This toggle determines whether the NVR can overwrite old surveillance data when the hard drive gets full.